
Title: “SHENG ZAI”
(Meaning, “to birth again” in Chinese
and pronounced, “shay-eng tsai”)

Size: 17.75” W x 23.75” H

Fall heralds the end,
winter the anticipation of new,
Spring re-birth again.

by Michelle Samerjan

Acrylic paint on heavy watercolor paper, veiled over with hand-made Japanese rice lace, bathed in a mixture of archival beeswax and UV-inhibitors, with rice lace stamped in gold using the wooden carved cover of a 16th century Tibetan prayer book, accented with contemporary gold braiding, adorned at each corner with 4 calligraphy character Chinese hat pins from the late Qing Dynasty that symbolize “a house is full of gold and jade (good fortune),” all resting on museum wooden panel painted in acrylic paints with scraped gilding.

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This website and all images contained on these pages are ©2010 by Michelle Samerjan.
