Title: “SADUPUSPA” (Meaning, always flowering in Sankrit and pronounced “sada-pooshpa”
Size: 48” W x 36” H (unframed)
Some similarities do I find
between you and a day in spring
when lovely birds sing
and rain new life brings
and yet far too soon that season is left behind
and still you stay pleasant and kind
a being without any irregularities, noble and pure
and while the sun brightly shines,
the cobalt sky is blue, your eyes have a darker hue
and when the sun declines before the night
your eyes sparkle with more lustre
than any light of the vast darkness:
and you are always flowering in an endless spring,
with a deep beauty that is true, that I find in you.
Acrylic, fluorescent and metallic paints on gilded and acid washed wooden museum panel, surrounded with overpainted antique metallic threaded Indian sari panels, adorned with mid-1800s Indonesian wooden dragon carving from a "Gebyak" or courtyard wall from an Indonesian home in Jakarta, with nestled jewel with peek-a-boo dragon forged in bronze by artist affixed at center of wood carving.
For information on pricing and availability contact Michelle Samerjan at (678)906-5095 or
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