
Title: “GONG-MING”
Meaning, “rooster crowing” in Chinese and pronounced, “gong-meeng”)

Image Size: 25.875” W x 34.875” H
Paper Size: 26.375” W x 35.25” H (unframed)  Available
Edition: 25
Artist's Proofs: 10
Printer's Proofs: 3

The rooster is the main embodiment of the element, “yang,” that represents the warmth and life of the universe. He is known for his five virtues. He has a crown on his head, a mark of his literary spirit; and spurs on his feet, a token of his warlike disposition; he is courageous, for he fights his enemies; and benevolent always clucking for the hens when he scratched for grain; and faithful for he never loses the hour. But the most virtuous attribute of the beautiful white-colored rooster is its purity of heart. Here, among the pure teachings or dharma of Buddha.

Notes on Original Work of Art:
Acrylic paint and 18k gold on heavy watercolor paper featuring raised gold on Sanskrit, veiled over with hand-made Japanese rice lace, bathed in a mixture of archival beeswax and UV-resistant polymers, with insets of 6 late 1700’s Burmese Kammavacca Buddhist bible pages in dry lacquer gilt, adorned with 12 Sung Dynasty (1174AD – 1233AD) rare Chinese cash coins, affixed with religious wax collected from holy temples and monasteries, with border panels wrapped in late 1800’s Tibetan Buddhist thangka cloth with gold paint and mineral pigments, depicting dragons, all mounted onto wooden museum panel, finished with gold-rubbed sides.

Notes on Giclée:
The Edition is printed using archival inks on water resistant fine art canvas, with the following hand-embellishments:
1. The complete image of the rooster is hand-embellished by the Artist, using 15 different acrylic paint colors applied with palette knife to the canvas for rich color and bold texture.
2. Twelve 16th – 18th century Chinese cash coins are affixed to the canvas, using melted religious wax collected from temples and monasteries.
3. Each of the Sanskrit characters below the rooster are embellished by the Artist, using raised 18K gold paint over a raised 3 dimensional surface.

Printed using archival inks on water resistant fine art canvas.

The Year of the Rooster Collection

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This website and all images contained on these pages are ©2010 by Michelle Samerjan.
