(Meaning “lavender dream” in French and pronounced,“la-vand rev”)

Size: 37.5” W x 28.75” H (unframed)  

Soft, lavender chalices gracefully bow to the early shadows of the night. Cradled in amethyst silk, the colors of the fading distant hills. Crooked stems reveal a state of sleep beneath the crisp blue moon. Peppery notes waft through the still air. The aroma of frangelica coffee brewing lifts the veil of sleep… and in that moment I realize I must have had a lavender dream.

Acrylic paint on 2 ply French watercolor paper, veiled in Japanese rice lace, then infused with melted beeswax, bordered with bands of copper leaf and 17th century calligraphy of poetry written for the Japanese Imperial Court, bordered on 4 sides with panels of painted layers of organza, accented at each corner with a gold-leafed paper-mache flourish.

Suggested Gallery Retail: $ - Call for pricing
(includes frame - not pictured)

To inquire about this work click here.

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This website and all images contained on these pages are ©2007 by Michelle Samerjan.
